Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

Management of the port domain

The Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda provides :

  • The management of the Public Port domain and its corollary.
  • The exercise of police and safety operations relating to the movement of shipping, including pilotage and boatage.
  • And to the preservation, safeguard and development of the said public port domain.

The Public Port Domain is made up of infrastructures, superstructures and dependencies subject to easements for the benefit of maritime traffic and the development of the Ports. It consists of:

A- Facilities and Equipment :

  • Quay fenders and bollards necessary for the berthing of ships.
  • Ferry terminal for disembarking/embarkation of passengers.
  • Silo, port warehouses and weighbridges used for the reception, storage and weighing of goods.

B- Open spaces and commercial storage areas for goods, source of state fees.

C- The various networks (electricity, sewage, etc.), railways and roads.
