Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

Our affiliates

Company Intermodal of Logistics EPE SIL Spa

Joint stock company with a capital of 500.000.000,00 DA
Head office : Small Industrial Zone of Skikda. BP 64 – 21000 Skikda.
TEL : / 13.13 / 14.14 / FAX : 038 75 15 15
Email : contact@sil-spa.com
Website : www.sil-spa.com

The company Intermodal of Logistique is a joint stock company with a share capital of five hundred million dinars (500,000,000.00 DA) distributed as follows: 66% of the shares held by the Port Enterprise of Skikda, 20% of the shares held by the Port Enterprise of Annaba and 14% of the shares held by the Intermodal Transport Company (STIM – 100% SNTF subsidiary).

company multimodal strategy, which starts from the port terminals of Skikda and Annaba and goes through road and rail to the final destination, is a unique asset.

Within the framework of its activities, the Société Intermodale de Logistique operates four sites located as follows:

  • Site of the dry port with an area of 7 hectares, located in the small industrial zone of Skikda.
  • Site of 12 hectares adjoining the site of the dry port of 07 HA in Skikda.
  • Site of 18 hectares located in Hamrouche Hamoudi (Skikda).
  • Site with a surface area of 10 hectares located in the goods station of Annaba.

Activities of the company SIL Spa :

  • Management of dry ports.
  • Management and operation of logistics platforms.
  • Reception, storage and delivery of containers, vehicles, machinery and goods of all kinds in free mode and under customs control.
  • Stuffing and unstuffing of goods.
  • Grouping, unbundling of goods.
  • Transit and customs clearance of goods and merchandise regardless of how they are packaged.
  • All ancillary activities related to the transport and delivery of goods.
  • Development of the logistics and the service more rendered to the economic operators transiting by the port of Skikda, Annaba and the other national ports.
  • Rental and subletting of space to economic operators.

Subsidiary of the port of Skikda

Share capital: 453,100,000. DA
Head office : De Dépôt Hamrouche Hamoudi BP.260 21000 Skikda.
N° TEL : – / Fax : Mobile :
Email : contact@scs-spa.com / scskikda@gmail.com
Website : www.scs-spa.com

Main activities :

  • Free and bonded storage of containers.
  • Transport.
  • Handling
  • Other (freight consolidation, export, container stuffing and unstuffing, etc.)

Number of containers handled: 45,000 T/year
Tonnage: Nearly 300,000 T / Year
