Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

One-stop shop

The one-stop shop at the Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

The Guichet Unique Portuaire is a computerised platform that allows each of the actors to manage the entire administrative process without having to move. It is a dematerialised exchange platform that will allow seamless logistics of the flow of goods from the announcement of the vessel to the evacuation of the goods by the owner.

The Guichet Unique is defined as a facility allowing parties involved in maritime trade and transport to lodge information and documents at a single point of entry in order to complete all official import, export and transit formalities.

The Guichet Unique aims to ensure a high level of reliability in import and export procedures, while reducing the time it takes for goods to pass through the port.

The Guichet Unique at the level of the Port Enterprise of Skikda is operational since August 2021, it is equipped with human and material means that meet the needs of all the stakeholders.

It is in this vision that the Port Services Group “SERPORT” has equipped its subsidiaries with a value-added telecommunication network, through the implementation of the AlgerianPorts Community System” APCS” which allows all the professionals of the port sector and the customs administration to exchange data and messages in full confidentiality and security. It manages the physical, administrative, commercial and customs follow-up of goods, allowing the dematerialised accomplishment of customs and fiscal administrative formalities linked to port operations.

This community system, which is presented as an interface platform federating around it the other systems of the port actors, exists at the level of the Port Enterprise of Skikda. It is fed with information in real time via an Internet connection by the systems of the port enterprise, the customs administration, the maritime agents, the forwarding agents and the other administrations operating at the level of the port area (trade, phytosanitary, veterinary etc.).

This electronic portal simplifies and facilitates the provision and sharing of information necessary for the completion of all trade-related formalities for both commercial operators and public authorities. This system will guarantee a better quality of service as well as a reduction in the costs of document management.
