Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

Port in figures

  • The overall traffic achieved by the company in 2021 amounts to 22,064,586T, i.e. an increase of 05% compared to 2020.
  • A turnover of 9,752,926 KDA (in thousands of DA), an increase of 07% compared to 2020.
  • The hydrocarbon traffic achieved in 2021 is 19,364,086T, an increase of 05% compared to 2020.
    In the detail of the hydrocarbon traffic, the gaseous products are 3 688 486T (that is to say an increase of 82% compared to 2020) and for the refined products: 15 675 600T (that is to say a fall of -05% compared to 2020)
  • General cargo traffic in 2021 is 2 700 500T, i.e. an increase of 04% compared with 2020.
    In the detail of the general goods traffic, agricultural products with 1 227 211T, construction materials with 299 132T and chemical products with 91 139T, have known an increase of 13%, 585% and 4% respectively compared to 2020, while metallurgical products with 140 220T and capital goods and miscellaneous goods with 942 669T, have recorded a decrease of 54% and 13% respectively.
  • Export traffic amounts to 18 781 435T, up 06% compared to 2020, with a 128% increase for general goods export traffic and a +5% increase for hydrocarbons traffic.
  • Import traffic (3 283 151T) is down by -05% compared to 2020
  • Container traffic in 2021 amounts to 124 357 units, a decrease of 20% compared with 2020.
  • The number of ships transiting through the port of Skikda in 2021 is 2111, a decrease of 04% compared to 2020.

The growth of trade and the constant increase in the characteristics of ships, especially their draught, often pose the problem of maintaining port activities in the basins of the oldest ports. In order to maintain a competitive climate vis-à-vis competitors, a modernisation of the port infrastructures is necessary, such as: the deepening of the basins and access channels, the remodelling of the quays, the renovation of the handling equipment, ….

The port of Skikda, like the majority of ports worldwide, must necessarily be part of this logic in order to ensure the sustainability of general cargo and hydrocarbon traffic activities.

To this end, a medium-term development plan aimed at increasing and improving its logistical performance has been put in place, which will enable the Company to :

  • To guarantee optimal safety during manoeuvres (berthing and unberthing) and during ship operations;
  • To accommodate deep-draught ships (up to 12.50 m);
  • To have a container terminal at the Château Vert mole with a storage capacity of 10,240 TEU containers;
  • To reduce waiting times in the harbour and the time spent in the quay and thus control demurrage costs;

This development plan, which is part of a complicated economic context, has been designed according to the principle of optimising and increasing existing reception and treatment capacities, along the following lines:

Mixed port development

  • Dredging and reclamation to increase the draught in the outer harbour basin and access channel to berth 13:

This involves :

  • The increase of 07 Ha of the western quay on the secondary pier of the Château Vert mole, which will allow the creation of a container terminal with a total surface area of more than 11 Ha;
  • The reloading of the servitude basin (0.7 Ha) which will optimise the operating surfaces and extend the quay length by 70 ML for the Marinelle quay which will have a total length of 370 ml.

Creation of a container terminal and acquisition of modern handling equipment:

Creation of a container terminal

Within the framework of its policy of optimization and increase of the existing capacities of reception and treatment, the Port Enterprise of Skikda opted for the creation of a container terminal at the level of the Château Vert mole equipped with modern handling equipments (the acquisition and the installation of 02 gantries and 04 RTG), this investment will allow


  • Guarantee optimal safety during ship operations at the terminal;
  • Rationalise and increase storage capacity by 120% (from the current 4,600 TEU to the projected 10,240 TEU);
  • Reduce container loading/unloading times;
  • Reduce the time spent by ships at the quay and waiting in the harbour, and thus control demurrage costs;
  • Reduce maintenance and operational costs;
  • Reducing environmental impacts;
  • …..

Installation of 02 gantries on rails

Installation of 04 RTG

Within the framework of the ongoing project of extension of the New Port by SONATRCH, it is planned to :

  • Building a second secondary pier with a new LNG loading station suitable for super LNG carriers with a capacity of 220,000 m3 ;
  • Building a new wharf with a length of up to 846 ml, a 15 m draught and a 16 Ha storage area for loading and unloading containers and various liquid or solid products;
  • Converting the LNG-M1 loading berth into an LPG loading berth;
  • To build a new oil berth P4 for the loading and unloading of large ships with a capacity of up to 250,000 tonnes with reinforcement and extension of the main jetty.

Ensure the road link between the New Port and the East-West motorway:

In order to guarantee the fluidity of the important traffic generated by the exploitation of these new infrastructures, in particular the new Quai à Divers, the E.P. Skikda considers

  • The reconstruction of a bridge on the mouth of Oued Saf – Saf;
  • The rehabilitation of the decommissioned Wilaya 18 road (CW18).