Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda

SMI and ISO certification

General company policy

As an important link in the country’s commercial exchanges, the Port Enterprise of Skikda (EP Skikda), a subsidiary of the SERPORT Spa group, in line with the vision of the public authorities, aims to be an operator recognised for its performance, its professionalism and its citizenship in carrying out its missions, namely :

  • Management and operation of the port area;
  • Reception and towing of ships;
  • Reception of passengers
  • Loading, unloading, storage and preservation of goods.

In addition to socio-economic development, we integrate quality, safety and sustainable development into our strategy to preserve the environment for future generations. This ambition is reflected in our ability to meet the requirements of our customers and all other interested parties and to increase their satisfaction while respecting the regulatory, legal and other requirements applicable to our company’s activities and those relating to health and safety at work and environmental protection.

Therefore, our policy is now based on five (05) founding principles:

1) Development of human potential

  • Qualification in relation to our missions;
  • Improvement of HSE technical skills;
  • Capitalization of organizational know-how;
  • Motivation of our staff.

2) Satisfaction of our customers and other interested parties

  • Constantly listening to our customers and relevant stakeholders;
  • Continuously provide compliant services while ensuring continuous quality improvement;< /li>
  • Increase the satisfaction of our customers and relevant stakeholders;

Be in compliance, on an ongoing basis, with the regulatory and legal requirements applicable to port activities as well as those related to health, safety and the preservation of the environment and all other applicable requirements.

3) Continuous improvement of our company’s performance

  • Optimization of infrastructure utilization;
  • Developing our ability to anticipate;
  • Increasing our market share;
  • Modernization of the production tool.

4) Promotion of internal and external communication

  • Continuously develop internal and external communication channels.

5) Promoting professionalism and a sense of citizenship

  • Develop mutually beneficial relationships with the port community and any other relevant stakeholders;
  • To safeguard the health and safety of our workers and all other personnel working on behalf of the company ;
  • Preserve the environment and prevent the risks of marine, soil and atmospheric pollution.

Also, we are committed to:

  • Satisfy applicable requirements and ensure compliance with regulatory and legal requirements and any other applicable requirements;< /li>
  • Provide the necessary resources for the implementation and maintenance of management systems including QHSE ;
  • Prevent occupational risks and improve performance, health and safety, environmental and quality of services rendered;
  • Protect the environment and prevent any form of pollution likely to be generated by our activities (pollution marine, soil and atmospheric) as well as taking into account any other commitment relevant to the context of our business;
  • Make the Management review an appropriate framework for reviewing objectives including QHSE objectives and general policy.
ISO 45001 : 2018 - ISO 14001:2015 - ISO 9001: 2015

In February 2017, the Company obtained certification for its integrated quality, health, safety and environment management system according to ISO 14001:2015, version 4 standards – for the following activities:

  • Management and operation of the Port Domain.
  • Reception and towing of ships.
  • Reception of passengers.
  • Loading, unloading, storage, preservation and delivery of goods.</ li>

From 2009, the Company adopted an integrated quality, health and safety and environment management system, integrating the ISO 9001 Version 2008 standard.

From February 2017, the Company obtained certification for its integrated management system for quality, health, safety and the environment, integrating the standards according to ISO 9001 Version 2008, ISO 14001 Version 2004 and the OHSAS 18001 Version 2007 standard.

From January 2019, the Company obtained the renewal of the certification of its integrated management system according to:
ISO 9001:2015 version 6. Certified since January 2004,
ISO 14001:2015 version 4. Date of first certification December 2009,
ISO 45001:2018 version 3. Date of first certification January 2019.

QHSE Objectives 2021

  • Ensure commercial prospecting;
  • Listen to and respond to the requirements of relevant internal and external interested parties;
  • Improve skills while capitalizing organizational knowledge;
  • Increase turnover by 1% / 2020;
  • Organize an annual meeting with customers and the port community;
  • Involve and educate all staff on the SMI;
  • Set up a procedure for handling staff complaints;
  • Achieving contracted handling yields (see chart of yields);
  • Ensure optimal use of storage areas;
  • Make the exploitation of extra-port areas profitable;
  • Reduce the rate of damage to goods: do not exceed the threshold of 1/1000 for containers and 1/10000 T for miscellaneous goods;
  • Increase the satisfaction of our “amateur and end customer” customers:
    85%Services provided to ships
    75%Services linked to goods
    75%Complaint processing times
  • Continuously develop communication channels;
  • Zero fatal accidents for staff, suppliers and external service providers;
  • Evaluate and improve HSE performance by reducing TF and TG /2020 per structure as follows:
    Handling and Stevedoring Department (DMA)70%
    Towing Steering (DR)50%
    Harbour Harbor Office (DCAP)50%
    Domain and Works Department (DDT)50%
    Materials Department (DM)50%
  • Maintain HSE performance for other structures (TF and TG/2020);
  • Promote the prevention of occupational, chronic and work-related diseases;
  • Ensuring the welfare of staff;
  • Be in continuous compliance with legal, regulatory and all other requirements related to OHS;
  • Developing HSE skills: instructing, informing and training staff in the prevention of occupational risks;
  • Ensure compliance with HSE provisions by external suppliers and service providers (communication and application of HSE systems);
  • Strengthen OSH communication with the various internal and external stakeholders;
  • Consult and involve workers in the development of OSH policy;
  • Improve skills in environmental management within the framework of sustainable development;
  • Be continuously in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and all other requirements to which the EPS has subscribed;
  • Promote the use of renewable energy;
  • Eliminate accidental oil and fuel spills: reduce by 50% / 2020;</li >
  • Optimize the use of natural resources:
    – Reduce electrical energy consumption by 05% / 2020;
    – Reduce paper consumption by 05% / 2020;
    – Reduce cartridge and toner consumption by 05% / 2020;
    – Maintain 2020 diesel consumption performance
  • Ensure the preservation of the quality of water bodies;
  • Improve control of waste management and recovery: 100% of waste treated in accordance with legal provisions ;
  • Reduce air pollution at source acquire equipment with a low pollution index;
  • Carry out an environmental study on atmospheric emanations;